Position Papers
Brian O’Neill :- Driver Education – How Effective ?
Brian O’Neill :- Preventing motor vehicle crash injuries and deaths: Science vs. folklore
Part 1: Lessons from history 1910 to 1970.
Brian O’Neill :- Preventing motor vehicle crash injuries and deaths: Science
vs. FolklorePart 2: Lessons from history - 1970 to today
Christer Hydén :- Speed in a High-Speed Society
Dinesh Mohan :- Effective Police Enforcement : What Works
Dinesh Mohan :- Dealing with Existing Theory : National Fatality Rates, Vehicle Standards
and Personal Safety.
Geetam Tiwari :- Progress in Pedestrian Safety Research
Geetam Tiwari :- Principles for Development of Safer Rural Highway Systems for Conditions Prevailing in Low and Middle Income Countries.
Kavi Bhalla :- Building Road Safety Institutions in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: The
Case of Argentina
Mark Stevenson :- Global Road Safety and Future Directions.
Mark Stevenson :- Road Traffic Injury in Urban Areas: Understanding the Complex City .
Mathew Varghese :- Pre Hospital Care : Evolution, Practice, Science and Evidence .
Mathew Varghese :- Trauma Care : A Continuum of Care.
Maria Isabel Gutierrez Martinez :- Safety of Motorised Two-Wheeler Riders in the Formal
and Informal Transport Sector.