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Independent Council of Road Safety International (ICoRSI) and Transportation Research and Injury Prevention Centre (TRIP Centre) in collaboration with Campbell Collaboration have developed an Evidence and Gap Map, highlighting the important gaps in the scientific evidence on various road safety interventions. Special Session was organized on EFFECTIVENESS OF ROAD SAFETY INTERVENTIONS: AN EVIDENCE AND GAP MAP on 7th September 2022 as a part of the Dinesh Mohan memorial symposium as per following programme.

PROGRAMME for “Effectiveness of Road Safety Interventions: An Evidence and Gap Map”


0945 – 1015

1015 – 1100

1130 – 1215

1215 – 1300

1400 – 1445

1445 – 1530

1530 – 1600

Lecture Title

ICoRSI Introduction Dr. Mathew Varghese, Director (ICoRSI) About Campbell Foundation and ICoRSI – EGMHoward White, Campbell Foundation

Post-crash and Pre-hospital care Chair Dr. Amit Gupta Speaker: Dr. Mathew Varghese"

Road Design, Infrastructure and Traffic Control  Chair: Manoranjan parida (Director, CRRI) Speaker: Geetam Tiwari

Vehicle Factors and Protective Devices Speaker: Kavi Bhalla

Human Factors Chair: BS Jaiswal, IPS Delhi Police Speaker: Rahul Goel

Legal and Institutional Framework Speaker: Girish Agarwal


Questions & closing remarksBarry Sheerman, Chairperson, ICoRSI, MP, UK

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